UPDATE: Continued Freight Railroad Labor Negotiation Impasse Affecting ACE Operations 

October 28, 2022

UPDATE: Continued Freight Railroad Labor Negotiation Impasse Affecting ACE Operations 

UPDATE: Continued Freight Railroad Labor Negotiation Impasse Affecting ACE Operations

(STOCKTON, Calif.)  — With the freight railroads and all of their respective employee unions not yet coming to an agreement, the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC) will implement a modified operating plan for ACE on Thursday, September 15, 2022. ACE will be suspending ACE 05 (6:40 AM Stockton Departure) and 07 (7:32 AM Stockton Departure) in the morning and ACE 08 (5:35 PM San Jose Departure) and 10 (6:38 PM San Jose Departure) in the afternoon on Thursday, September 15, 2022. 

The nation’s Class I freight carriers, including Union Pacific, are currently in negotiations over salary, benefits, time off, and work practices with their respective employee union workforce. The Railway Labor Act (RLA) establishes a structured process of negotiations with the intent to avoid any disruption to the nation’s railroad network, however, the RLA’s cooling-off period ends on Friday, which legally enables a freight railroad work stoppage to occur. While this negotiation does not directly involve ACE personnel or contractors, preparations for a work stoppage have begun to impact ACE service. SJRRC, which owns and operates ACE, will continue to notify passengers of potential impacts to service. 

As an agreement has not been reached as of this release, ACE will be modifying service for Thursday, September 15, 2022. If an agreement is not reach by 5:00 PM PST on September 15, 2022, ACE will suspend all service beginning Friday, September 16, 2022, until a resolution is reached. Our dedicated passenger rail team stands ready to reintroduce service as quickly as possible. 

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