SoCo Rail Study
Project Overview
The Southern Alameda County Integrated Rail Analysis (SoCo Rail Study) was led by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). MTC has partnered with the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), Caltrans, Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC), Capital Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA), and the Rail Commission to conduct this $5 million planning effort.
The SoCo Rail Study builds on the foundation of the 2018 California State Rail Plan (CSRP), which established a 2040 statewide vision for an integrated statewide passenger rail and express bus network. The 2018 CSRP also identified rail hub stations, including an “East Bay” hub located in Southern Alameda County, which sits at the nexus of megaregional rail services and Bay Area rail and bus services. Additionally, the 2018 CSRP called for implementation of rail planning for the East Bay so that recommendations can be integrated with the 2023 CSRP. The findings of the SoCo Rail Study were incorporated into the Draft 2023 CSRP.
In an effort to implement the rail planning for the East Bay, called for in the 2018 CSRP, the SoCo Rail Study was undertaken with the primary task of identifying concepts for a “rail-to-rail” transfer hub. Given the confluence of trains from the Northern California Megaregion in Southern Alameda County, along with several BART stations, the effort focuses on identifying and assessing “East Bay Hub” concepts in this region.
The SoCo Rail Study was done in two phases. Both phases have been completed. The SoCo Rail Study Phase 1 Report recap and Phase 2 details are listed below.
For more information and the full Phase 1 Report and Phase 2 Report visit the MTC project page by clicking here.
Highest Performing East Bay Hub Concept and Associated Connections

MTC worked closely with the Rail Commission and other partner agencies to continue coordination with stakeholders and conduct outreach for the SoCo Rail Study throughout Phase 2, and prepared documentation required for and in support of inclusion into regional transportation plans. Phase 2 also developed a high-level understanding of potential East Bay Hub(s) for the Long-Term Horizon, that includes Dumbarton Rail Service, Link21, and improvements along UP Coast Subdivision between Newark and San Jose including additional capacity through the Alviso wetlands.
Phase 2 of the SoCo Rail Study was completed in July 2023. Based on the So Co Rail Study, SJRRC and SJJPA developed a Project Study Report (PSR) for the Union City Intermodal Station Phase 3 to support moving forward with the environmental review process (next phase of project development). Please download the PSR here.
For additional information contact
Dan Leavitt
Manager of Regional Initiative
San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission
San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority
949 East Channel Street
Stockton, CA 95202